Invest in Our Mission
2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Every 2 minutes a child is aborted in South Africa
You can help rescue an innocent child from abortion right now.
As you are reading this, men and women across South Africa are searching the Internet for information on how to get an abortion. In fact, due to its anonymity, the Internet is often the first place people turn to when faced with an unexpected pregnancy and how to terminate it.
Every day, thousands of online searches for abortion related terms take place in this country. However, most of the information that’s retrieved online comes straight from illegal abortionist who promise an “easy path” to ending an unplanned pregnancy and the life of a child. 800 plus legal and illegal abortions a day!!
We believe anyone considering an abortion should receive more. They should receive:
Counselling, Education and Support.
A free ultrasound and the truth about abortion listening to the beating heart of a child.
The option to keep their child.
Studies show that the majority of abortion determined women will choose LIFE after seeing and listening to an ultrasound of their child.
We calculate precisely how much money is needed to reach an at-risk woman and help rescue her baby from abortion.
No matter the size, your gift to Warriors for Life helps us reach more and more abortion-determined women and men, so their pre-born babies might be saved and one day make their mark in their generations to come in South Africa and in the world.
Will you join us in our mission to not only reach more abortion determined people than ever before, but also make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in South Africa?
Right now, for every gift you give to Warriors for Life, you can help rescue children and families from abortion!
Please give a gift and help Warriors for Life rescue a child’s life today.​
R600 Reach 3 abortion determined women through Counselling.
R2000 Provide Financial and Emotional Support to teen age mother.
R1500 Reach 150 youth with Young Generation Education about abortions and teen pregnancies.
R4000 Gift a Child a Life.
Other Amount
Monthly (12 per year) ongoing payments? Please could you kindly set the monthly debit order up by your bank?
If you would like to donate and assist towards helping our mission and vision please would you EFT us to the account below. Thank you for partnering with us.
Warriors for Life
Capitec Bank
Account No: 1554973099
Branch No: 470010
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